
Do you offer packages?

Since we completely customize each cleaning, there are no set packages available. To clean thoroughly, regularly, and effectively, we employ a tested procedure. For further information, kindly get in touch with our neighborhood office.

How do I know if there is an office in my area?

By visiting our website and checking our office address.

Maryann Barreras

We use it for our large condo complex 260 units. Very professional and they do a great job

Chet Grissom

We use them at my office and find them to be reliable and dependable – just what you want in a cleaning service! We never have to worry about a thing.

Tony Rabbat

Clean and reliable are the two most important things when it comes to daily cleaning. We have them clean our two locations 7 days a week. Not once they called out and it has already been 5 years since we started working together. The owners are very responsive and respectful. Prices are reasonable. I highly Tony Rabbat

Gabriela Strong

Extremely happy with service of carpet cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning

A clean and tidied-up home brightens the day and completely invigorates the senses of…

Serving Los Angeles since 1986.

Cleaner Image, the leading commercial building cleaning company in Los Angeles with top-notch cleaning services. Cleaner Image transforms your commercial space from grime to greatness, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who walks through your doors.

The professionals in commercial, industrial and residential cleaning.

Cleaner Image, the leading commercial building cleaning company in Los Angeles with top-notch cleaning services. Cleaner Image transforms your commercial space from grime to greatness, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who walks through your doors.

The Professionals In Building Maintenance

Cleaner Image, the leading commercial building cleaning company in Los Angeles with top-notch cleaning services. Cleaner Image transforms your commercial space from grime to greatness, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who walks through your doors.